O-Hoshisama No Rail Manga 100 (2025)

1. Rail of the Star - Anime Academy

  • Deep inside the mind of a young actress named Chiko lie memories of dark times. Growing up cheerfully in northern Korea, where her father owned a coal company, ...

  • a.k.a. O-Hoshisama no Rail Genre: Drama Company: Toshio Hirata/Studio Madhouse Format: 1 movie Dates: 7/10/1993 Deep inside the mind of a young actress named Chiko lie memories of dark times. Growi…

Rail of the Star - Anime Academy

2. Encyclopedia Anime - O

  • O-Hoshisama no Rail (movie) · O-jii-san no Lamp (movie) · Ō-sama no Shippo ... Otona Joshi no Anime Time (TV 2) · Otona no Bōguya-san (TV) · Otona no Bōguya ...

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3. Ohoshi-sama no Rail - MyAnimeList

  • Bevat niet: 100 | Resultaten tonen met:100

  • This is the autobiographic tale of Kobayashi Chitose, a young Japanese girl growing up in a Japanese-occupied North Korea. As World War II progresses, Chitose begins to realize that her family will not be able to escape the effects of the conflict. From the simple disappointment of not being able to get the type of backpack she wants for school, to her father's recruitment as a soldier, the war begins to impact her life in a very real manner. But the end of the war does not mean the end of hardship for her. The Koreans, fed up with years of Japanese rule and persecution, have joined forces with a Chinese-backed communist government and are systematically making life a living horror for the Japanese left in North Korea. Fearing reprisal since he was a Japanese veteran, Chitose's father risks everything to get his family out of the north and to the US-occupied area south of the 38th parallel. (Source: AniDB)

Ohoshi-sama no Rail - MyAnimeList

4. Ask John: Does Anime Whitewash Japanese History?

  • 19 jul 2012 · I believe that Japan's anime and manga industry are largely left-leaning and not disposed to overlooking historical Japanese crimes for the sake ...

  • Question: I love Zipang and think it’s a great anime. But the one thing that bothers me is despite hammering in that it was wrong for Japan to engage in war, they never criticize Japan’s colonial policies. One whole episode has a character investigating how they run their colonies – the worst we see is a sleazy Japanese man arrested for spying for the enemy. He’s basically evil for being against Imperial Japan. Later, in Hong Kong, we see a lavish party with finely dressed soldiers and beautiful women having a grand dance. The impression I get from this anime is that Japan’s colonial empire was pretty damn awesome. There’s nothing about comfort women, slave camps, death marches, propaganda, murder and oppression. Is there a conspiracy of silence about discussing the darker side of Japan’s Imperial behavior in the field of anime? And are there any actual anime that really dissect that darker side properly?

5. Urahata Tatsuhiko | Wiki Manga-encyclopédie | Fandom

  • Ichigo 100%, Scénariste, Series Composition. 2005, UG ☆ Ultimate Girls ... Ningyo no Kizu, Scénariste. 1993, O-Hoshisama no Rail, Scénariste. 1992, Tokyo ...

Urahata Tatsuhiko | Wiki Manga-encyclopédie | Fandom

6. Rail of the Star at Gogoanime

  • Plot Summary: This is the autobiographic tale of Kobayashi Chitose, a young Japanese girl growing up in a Japanese-occupied North Korea. As World War II ...

  • This is the autobiographic tale of Kobayashi Chitose, a young Japanese girl growing up in a Japanese-occupied North Korea. As World War II progresses, Chitose begins to realize that her family will not be able to escape the effects of the co ... at Gogoanime

Rail of the Star at Gogoanime

7. Rail of the Star (Anime) - aniSearch.com

  • Bevat niet: 100 | Resultaten tonen met:100

  • Information about the anime Rail of the Star (Ohoshi-sama no Rail) from studio MADHOUSE Inc. with the main genre Drama

Rail of the Star (Anime) - aniSearch.com

8. ANIME-NEKO REVIEW - Russell D. Jones

  • Oda Nobuna no Yabou · Ohayou! Spank / Привет, Спанк! O-Hoshisama no Rail / Rail of the Star. Okusama ga Seitokaichou! Okusama wa Joshikousei / Жена-школьница.

9. EIKI Eiki - MangaUpdates

  • 26 jul 2022 · Eiki Eiki is a friend of Zaou Taishi (Tsuda Mikiyo). She has published several solo manga, numerous yaoi doujinshi and one collaboration manga with Taishi Zaou.

  • EIKI Eiki is an author on MangaUpdates

EIKI Eiki - MangaUpdates

10. Boku o Sonna Me de Minaide | Project Sekai Fanon Wiki - Fandom

  • ... 100. MV? 3D MV. Release Date. N/A. Boku o Sonna Me de Minaide (僕をそんな目 ... Lyrics. KAITO • Yasuji • Miyuto boku o sonna me de minaide mama shinda no ga ...

  • Boku o Sonna Me de Minaide (僕をそんな目で見ないで) is a song by Kikuo covered by Hiraeth

Boku o Sonna Me de Minaide | Project Sekai Fanon Wiki - Fandom

11. 1993 Anime | Seasonal Chart | AnimeSchedule.net

  • 100 min. Completed Watching On Hold Dropped To Watch. Kidou Keisatsu ... Poster of the anime O-Hoshisama no ...

  • Check out what anime are airing in 1993 and what their release date and times are. Keep track of them easily and see which streaming services have them.

1993 Anime | Seasonal Chart | AnimeSchedule.net

12. Lista Geral - Mangá - Info Anime

  • Ai wa Sekai o Sukuu no ka!? Ai wo Kou Kemono · Aibou no Jouken · Aigan Kyoudai · Aikata · Aikata no Aishikata · Aikotoba wa Hallelujah · Air · Airyouran Gakuen ...

  • Sua fonte de informação de Animes, Mangás, Doramas, Tokusatsus, Live-Actions, Fansubers, Scanlators.

Lista Geral - Mangá - Info Anime
O-Hoshisama No Rail Manga 100 (2025)
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